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Moda Health Medicare Supplement plans

Medicare Supplement plans ensure your coverage is with you when you travel anywhere in the United States. Simply choose any Medicare-approved physician anywhere throughout the country.

With a Moda Medicare Supplement plan, you can feel secure that where Medicare coverage ends, your Moda plan coverage begins.


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Mecicare Supplement Map of the United States

Save with Moda Medicare Supplement plans

Medicare Supplement plans cover you for some out-of-pocket costs and expenses like coinsurance, copayments or deductibles not paid by Original Medicare.

Our plans come with gym memberships, no primary care provider (PCP) requirements and no-referrals needed to see a specialist.

You’ll also get discounted health & wellness programs included.

Moda Health Medicare Supplement gives you more flexibility and can help lower your out-of-pocket costs.

Moda value-added services and discounts*

  • Gym membership
  • Discounts from popular brands like Garmin® and Vitamix®
  • Medical Travel Assist
  • 24/7 Nurse Advice line
  • Health & wellness coaching
  • Individual Assistance Program (IAP)

Support for your health journey

All of our plans come with programs, care teams, tools and resources designed to help you manage your well-being. Your personal Moda Member Dashboard will help you get medical advice from health professionals, work with health coaches, view your explanation of benefits and more.

  • Care coordination & case management
  • Nurse line
  • Health coaching
  • Individual Assistance Program (IAP)

Medicare Supplement brochures

View the brochures for Alaska, IdahoOregon, and Texas

Explore our Medicare Supplement plans to see which option is right for you. We offer a variety of plans to meet your wellness needs.**


Plan options  A B C D F   F1 G   G1  K2 L2 M N3
Basic benefits
Skilled nursing
50% 75%
Part A deductible 50% 75% 50%
Part B deductible  
Part B excess (100%)
Foreign travel

*Value-added services are a complement to the plan but are not insurance. These additional services may be discontinued at any time. Services and programs vary by plan.

**Not all plans available in all locations.

1Plans F and G also have a high deductible option which require first paying a calendar-year deductible of $2,800 before the plan begins to pay. Once the deductible is met, the plan pays 100% of covered services for the rest of the calendar year. Plan High-deductible G does not cover the Medicare Part B deductible. However, Plan High-deductible F and Plan High-deductible G count your payment of the Medicare Part B deductible toward meeting the calendar-year deductible.

2Plan K reimburses these expenses at 50%, up to an out-of-pocket maximum of $7,060 in a calendar year. Plan L reimburses these expenses at 75%, up to an out-of-pocket maximum of $3,530 in a calendar year. Once the out-of-pocket maximum is met, covered expenses are reimbursed at 100%.

3Plan N requires copayment of up to $20 for office visits and $50 for emergency room visits.


For Idaho and Oregon, if you are under the age of 65 and are Medicare-eligible due to any of the following diagnoses, you are eligible to enroll in a Moda Medicare Supplement plan

  • End-stage renal disease (ESRD)
  • Lou Gehrig’s disease (ALS)
  • Permanently disabled (and have received disability benefits for at least 24 months)

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Contact us

Call 844-274-9122 to contact a Moda Health agent or email us at Ind& Customer Service can be reached at 844-235-8012. TTY users, please call 711. 

Last updated Oct. 1, 2024

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